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The website's information is only intended for general reference and informational purposes, and is not comprehensive nor intended to solicit business(es) or provide professional advice(s). [Company Name] disclaims any guarantee or representation of the completeness, accuracy, or currency of this information. Furthermore, no warranties - explicit or implied - including security, fitness for purpose, or non-infringement, are given regarding either the information or any external websites linked to or accessed via the website. [Company Name] assumes no liability for any damage or loss resulting from use or access to the website or linked sites, or reliance on content found therein. In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail. 

本網站上的信息僅為參考和一般信息目的,並不旨在招攬業務或提供專業建議。[公司名稱] 不保證或聲明該信息完整,準確或最新。此外,關於此類信息和任何通過此網站連接的其他網站,也沒有針對不侵權,保安,適用性或免於電腦病毒的保證,[公司名稱] 不對本網站或任何此類其他連接網站的使用或訪問,或對本網站或任何此類其他連接網站的任何內容的依賴產生的任何損失或損害承擔責任。 如果英文版本和中文版本之間存在任何不一致或歧義,應以英文版本為準。

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